We are getting into the season of spring break and summer travel and that means there is a
pressing question on the minds of many families- how do we keep the kids entertained while
As a childcare provider and mom of four, I am here to help. Many families reach for the Ipad or other tablet and that is totally fine. I do that myself with my four little and not so little kids.
Technology is not always our friend unfortunately and I cannot tell you how many times I had the devices prepped and ready and the second we sat on the airplane *BOOM* nothing happened.Total dark screen or the dreaded “unable to connect”.
Here are some screen free ideas to keep your kids entertained and avoid travel meltdowns this travel season.
1. Almost any trinket from the Target dollar spot. I love picking up crayons, coloring books
or even better, those water board books (no mess!) I will also pick up small cheap toys
from here or the $1.25 store. Kids always love a new toy and if it gets lost it is no big
2. This one requires some crafting. Grab a metal lunchbox from the $1.25 store, a puzzle
from there as well, and some peel and stick magnets from the local craft store. Kds can
do a puzzle and the pieces won't get lost. You can also use the lunchbox for lego. Buy
some small baseplates and glue to the lunchbox. Put the lego pieces inside the lunch box for easy storage.
3. Gel window clings. Grab a window seat and you have instant entertainment. You can
find a variety of gel clings near almost every holiday.
4. Magnet boards. These always take me back to my childhood. I’m talking about the
magnet boards with the pen attached and the slider to erase it.

5. Color wonder. Mess free markers? Thank you Crayola!
6. Playdoh. A little messy, yes. Kids love to create with play doh.
7. Wikki Stix. Bend them, shape them, build with them. Wikki stix are pretty small to carry
around but provide hours of entertainment.

I hope you have enjoyed these screen free travel entertainment ideas. Wishing you a stress free travel season!
-The Adventure Navigator
Adventures By Lindsey
